Guide to Hybrid Cannabis Part 2

After reading part 2 of our guide to hybrid strains of cannabis, you’ll learn:  The history of how hybrid strains were created and how the growing process today differs from cultivation methods of several decades ago.  What hybrid strains are popular today and their unique characteristics  How to find the best hybrid strain for your…

Guide to Hybrid Cannabis Part 1

Key Takeaways:  To best understand the different strains of cannabis, it’s essential to know the basic chemical ingredients like cannabinoids and terpenes.  Hybrid cannabis strains are a mixture of Indica and Sativa plants, though not necessarily in equal measure.  What is Hybrid Cannabis?  Hybrid cannabis strains, at their essence, are types of cannabis with both…

Ultimate Guide to Colorado Cannabis Part 2

Whether you’re a new transplant in Colorado, just visiting for a week, or even a lifelong resident, you’ll never run out of things to explore in this beautiful state. Colorado has a lot to offer, but the cannabis culture, in particular, is what the state is famously known for.  If you’re planning a cannabis-centric experience…